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Adele Stephens pornstar - Free Adele Stephens porn videos

Adele Stephens

Adele Stevens, Adelle Stephens, Rachel Smith-Edwards, Rachel Smith Edwards

Adele Stephens
Wakefield,England - Yorks & Humber,United Kingdom 3530
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Information about Adele Stephens

  • Birth: 29/7/1969, 55 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (171 cm)Weight:116 lbs (53 kg)Gender:Female
His career began with the appearance on Page 3 Girl. Since then his career has been on the rise, highlighting the most important in men's magazines as: Club International, Eros, Mayfair, Men Only, Model Directory, Withehouse, etc. agencies and porn: Babes, British Centerfolds, Danni HotBox, Digital Dreamgirls, Fantasy Girls UK, Twistys, Unzzipped, Playboy and Penthouse.

Performed primarily classified as softcore photographic series (a soft pornographic level), either alone or simulating posing heterosexual and lesbian relationships, in addition to sets to foot fetishism. Very little is the material in which it participates could be classified as hardcore (a level hard pornographic or sexually explicit), but also has done this kind of work. It has video in the United States of America, and Europe.

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