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Alaura Tamis pornstar - Free Alaura Tamis porn videos

Alaura Tamis

Adriana Sage, Adrianna Sage, Alana Moreno

Alaura Tamis
San Diego,California,United States 3783
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Information about Alaura Tamis

  • Birth: 16/4/1980, 44 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:125 lbs (57 kg)Gender:Female
Adriana Sage born an April 16, 1980. Adriana was born in Mexico but lived from very small in San Diego, California. Before entering the porn world, worked as a seller of ice cream at Baskin Robbins, a veterinary hospital, and delivering newspapers 7 days a week.

He began his career at age porn 18, when he went to work at Riverside, California, dancing at a nearby club, and an adult magazine shop. Six months later, in 1998, a talent scout recruited and began posing for adult magazines. She chose her stage name Adriana, her real name and Sage by X-Men comics.

In 2004 he was nominated for the AVN Awards in the category of Best Sex Scene.
