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Information about Aleksa Diamond
6/8/1988, 36 Age.
Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Aleska entered the porn industry in 2008 (taking only 20 years) and until 2010 has appeared in 42 films, in which traditionally practiced anal scenes, double penetration and swallows cum.
Among his films, highlights their scenes interracial anal and double penetrations, standing in the films Diesel Dongs Diesel Dongs 10 and 13, which have anal sex with actor Wesley Pipes (these being her first interracial sex scenes).
Having said that I enjoy these scenes with actor Wesley Pipes, she performed scenes for Blacks on Blondes, which performs an intense double penetration with Wesley Pipes and Sean Michaels, saying that I enjoy having had such penises actors inside your anus, thus resulting in his current taste for this type of scenes.
It is known for its charms, shooting scenes for his passion, and above all, for his good looks