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Alektra Blue pornstar - Free Alektra Blue porn videos

Alektra Blue

Alektra Blue
Chandler,Arizona,United States 4079
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Information about Alektra Blue

  • Birth: 9/6/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Alektra Blue (born 9 June 1983) is an American pornographic actress who began working in the adult industry in 2004. He was born in Arizona but grew up in Dallas, Texas.

Along with Brandy Talore, she won the 2006 FAME "Favorite Rookie Starlet of the Year" award sponsored by, among others, AVN magazine.

In an interview for says that the person who got into porn was her best friend, Taryn Thomas. In that same interview revealed that she is married to actor and director Pat Myne male