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Alexis Silver pornstar - Free Alexis Silver porn videos

Alexis Silver

Alicia Silver, Sarena

Alexis Silver
Leeds,England - Yorks & Humber,United Kingdom 3631
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Information about Alexis Silver

  • Birth: 27/10/1979, 45 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Alexis Silver is originally from Leeds, England. He worked as a sexy dancer before deciding to pose nude in 2003.

It was not long until he began starring in adult videos. The ethnic backgrounds of Alexis is the black and Jewish, and is very clear that the size of her boobs is your most valuable asset, and they have made a lot of money. He's done anal scenes, but would not do it anymore because it hurts too much from their point of view. She also moves away from the more extreme sexual practices that can be seen on the Internet in recent times. She loves to fuck and need not be humiliated to have sex and enjoy.

Alexis hopes to work behind the camera one day, and only occasionally participate as an actress in the scenes.

She has her own website and also posed under the name Sarena

The love dancing