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Information about Alexis Texas
28/1/1986, 39 Age.
Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:130 lbs (59 kg)Gender:Female
Alexis Texas is an American pornographic actress. He started working as an actress in 2006 when he turned 21. As she tells: There are not many girls with a big ass that looks as nice as mine. I thought about it and I concluded that my ass could be a money maker.
Before entering the porn industry, Alexis worked as a waitress. He shot his first scene in October 2006 for the film: Shanes Worlds College Amateur Tour In Texas. Immediately after 2 scenes shot for Bang Bros.
In March 2007 he went to Los Angeles (the Mecca of American porn), and began working for LA Direct modeling agency in February 2008 shooting Discovering Alexis Texas, directed, more or less, for Belladonna.
Today, Alexis Texas continues to work in Los Angeles as one of the most recognized porn stars in the world for its great ass