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Information about Alison Angel
7/4/1986, 38 Age.
Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/virtuales/ : eval()'d code on line 432
0 lbs ( kg)Gender:Female
The real name is Christie Caudill Alison Angel and was part of FTV Girls (First Time Videos) applicants online when I was 18
His popularity was such that she soon got his own site making it one of the rising stars of the Internet who does not care to use nudity to earn star status (a path taken by current stars such as playmate and model Marketa Internet Belonoha). Alison specializes in girl act alone, giving you a full view voyeur to their daily activities, whether they are shopping (with a charisma of exhibitionism), or walking naked on the beach, or taking a shower with a friend (they are always women), playing with toys or just trying new underwear. The mixture of adult eroticism with occasionally added some pretty explicit element