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Amarna Miller pornstar - Free Amarna Miller porn videos

Amarna Miller

Amarrana Miller, Amarna Miler, Carmina

Amarna Miller
Madrid,Madrid,Spain 3312
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Information about Amarna Miller

  • Birth: 29/10/1990, 34 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Amarna Miller is a big booty babe from Madrid graduated in Fine Arts who started working in porn when she was only 19 years old. A self-avowed bisexual, she loves sex and BDSM above all.

Considered one of the most promising actresses in the Spanish porn industry, at 23, she has already worked with international production companies such as Babes Network, Private, DDF Network or Abbywinters.

Her sweet face and her skinny and natural body, far from the common stereotype dictated by the porn industry, stuffed to the max with silicone, make of her a different beauty.
She has her own production company (Omnia-X), and has already make ​​several things as director.

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