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Amber Michaels pornstar - Free Amber Michaels porn videos

Amber Michaels

Amber Michaels
Bamberg,Bavaria,Germany 338
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Information about Amber Michaels

  • Birth: 17/11/1968, 56 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (162 cm)Weight:103 lbs (47 kg)Gender:Female
Amber Michaels (b. November 17, 1968) is a pornographic actress and fetish model American.

Amber was adopted by an American family and raised in Miami, Florida.

Unlike many porn actors, Amber waited some time before deciding to enter the adult entertainment business, she was almost 30 when he made his first film.

In 1998, she began making videos of pro / am and then step into porn "stream". Michaels has about 250 porn films.

She has a scorpion tattooed on her pelvis, which makes it easily identifiable in the movies. The scorpion probably refers to their astrological sign, Scorpio