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Anastasia Devine pornstar - Free Anastasia Devine porn videos

Anastasia Devine

Anastasia Cloud, Marcela, Anastazie, Anastasia Csharka, Yvonne, Corina Johnsen

Anastasia Devine
Prague,Prague,Czech Republic 3470
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Anastasia Devine porn videos

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Information about Anastasia Devine

  • Birth: 12/10/1982, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
This beautiful porn star has become famous for her great natural tits. Anastasia Devine works in the adult entertainment industry since the year 2004, using multiple pen names, and starring in nearly all kinds of X videos. On the other hand, she has recently become pregnant, so now she has a bigger breast size without having gone through plastic surgery. After the delivery, she has performed photo and video sessions, squrting breast milk from her big boobs.

She loves to eat at nice restaurants.