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Anetta Keys pornstar - Free Anetta Keys porn videos

Anetta Keys

Aneta Keys

Anetta Keys
Křivoklát,Central Bohemia,Czech Republic 468
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Information about Anetta Keys

  • Birth: 18/11/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Aneta born in Krivoklat, Czech Republic. In 2001 saw a talent scout while he was skating and began her career as a model online. The same year he began making films. Although he has made heterosexual scenes, mainly focuses on lesbian scenes (often with Sandra Shine, Sandy, Eve Angel and Sophie Moone) for Productions company. Aneta is easily recognizable by its nose piercings, tongue and navel and a hook-shaped tattoo on the lower back. He has appeared at times with blond streaks. It is one of the most popular porn stars and beautiful in Europe.

He has also appeared in the comedy Eurotrip (2004) in an extra role during the scene of "Club Vandersexx"

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