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Angel Cassidy pornstar - Free Angel Cassidy porn videos

Angel Cassidy

Angel Cassidy
San Diego,California,United States 4077
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Information about Angel Cassidy

  • Birth: 1/2/1980, 45 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
My name is Angel Cassidy, born in San Diego, California. I've lived here all my life, I love to travel more but live in a perfect climate with beaches and mountains near my home.

From small to ballet and dance. That potentiometric my stage presence, he left in the chambers of my public performances.

I have a good eye for filming and photography... I would like to produce films

I made a few appearances as an actress doing exotic numbers do enjoy showing my sexuality. I think everyone should be open with their sexuality, and to help you evolve into a more complete person

I attended college for a good graphic designer. Since college, I worked as a model erotically for companies like Playboy, Vivid, Hustler,
Penthouse, Sin City, Club Magazine, and many others...

Travel, dance, ballet and graphic design