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Angel Dark pornstar - Free Angel Dark porn videos

Angel Dark

Angel Dark
Bratislava,Bratislava,Slovakia 4076
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Information about Angel Dark

  • Birth: 11/4/1982, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
Angel Dark was born in Slovakia on April 11, 1982. While she was working as a bartender in a restaurant in Slovakia, she bumped into a friend in the street, who was in the adult industry and encouraged her to attend a Pierre Woodman’s casting and to try luck in the business.
Angel went for it and started in 2002 with a photo session for Woodman. In it, she practice the first DP in her career (and in her life, as she herself claims), along with the French porn actors Pascal St. James and Joachim Kessef. Her first video was also for Woodman, for the Hustler's Superfuckers Series.

From that day on, Angel has been one of the most in-demand girls by the directors and the most renowned companies in the business. VMD, Third Degree, Evil Angel, Elegant Angel, Private, Devils Film, Black Magic, Showtime, DVSX, Zero Tolerance, Red Light District, Platinum X, New Sensations, Media Partners, etc. are some of the movie producers who have hired her services.

Between 2003 and 2005 she travelled to Spain all the time to attend photo sessions in Costa del Sol and in Ibiza, and also to go to several filmings, she also attended the last four editions of FICEB, accompanied by different partners.

Only two weeks after her attendance at the 2005 Barcelona festival edition, Angel had to be hospitalized for acute renal failure in a hospital in Prague. Fortunately, it all turned out to be just a big fright, and she recovered soon afterwards. Since 2006 Angel Dark lives in Bratislava and she’s retired from the hardcore scenes, she only appears in soft projects or in lesbian scenes.