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Anita Dark pornstar - Free Anita Dark porn videos

Anita Dark

Anita Perger, Anita Pansy, Sonia Berger

Anita Dark
Budapest,Budapest,Hungary 4112
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Information about Anita Dark

  • Birth: 11/4/1975, 49 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:103 lbs (47 kg)Gender:Female
Anita Dark Anita Perger known as (b. April 11, 1975) is a Hungarian porn actress.

Early in her porn career, she had her hair painted black, this is due to his nickname (in contrast to the actress Anita Blonde, who wore his blond hair). She worked as a model in Budapest where she was crowned as Miss Budapest in 1994. According to IMDb, the real name is Anita Perger Dark.

She performed plastic surgery on her breasts to reduce the size of their areolas. In his first porn films, those made with the director, Mario Salieri, one can see the original shape of their breasts. In early 1994, Dark appeared in several European and American porn titles, in heterosexual and lesbian scenes. In 1996 she moved to the United States.

Anita Dark, on its website, said their enthusiasm for anal sex, but has appeared in only a limited number of scenes with anal and double penetration, almost all at the beginning of his career.

Recently, Dark is set in Orlando, Florida, has dyed her hair blond, and has begun working mostly as a model of charm and exotic dancing. She has freckles covering her face visible, shoulders and upper chest area, unless they are hidden with makeup