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Annie Cruz pornstar - Free Annie Cruz porn videos

Annie Cruz

Anie Cruz

Annie Cruz
Stockton,California,United States 3905
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Information about Annie Cruz

  • Birth: 6/11/1984, 40 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:108 lbs (49 kg)Gender:Female
Annie was born in Stockton, California, to Filipino parents and Catholic beliefs. At 17, he graduated from high school and later moved to San Rafael, California, to attend Dominican University of California, a private Catholic university, where he studied journalism. He moved to San Francisco State University as a sophomore. In October 2003, broke into the adult film industry through an amateur producer in San Francisco. But it was not until March 2004, when he finally found his way to Los Angeles.

The Philippine lively Jack Lawrence married in 2004. They also made a public wedding for her fans in Las Vegas. Since entering the porn world, Annie has built his own radio show on Radio Ksex and did something in the boxing world, with a background of Laila Ali (Muhammad Ali, the daughter of the famous boxer). Since then he has won two championship boxing and is currently inbatida.

Annie manages its own website, as well as 4 or 5 other sites external to individuals and businesses. He's smart, activist, liberal, and versatile, and can be described asa woman who aspires to be a great entrepreneur.

Although its name rather dark complexion and many think that is Hispanic, its roots are Filipinos, since his parents were born there
