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Annina Ucatis pornstar - Free Annina Ucatis porn videos

Annina Ucatis

Annina Ucatis
Bremerhaven,Bremen,Germany 3831
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Information about Annina Ucatis

  • Birth: 22/12/1978, 46 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (162 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Desupés studied baccalaureate and economic. It began with photo shoots. It now has its own website on the Internet and provides a spectacle.

He has starred in porn movies Videorama also XXX movies with director Harry S. Morgan stamped Magma German XXX movie. He also plays in a music video for the song "Mer de sen Stross jejange ERAF" men with Willi. Participant of the ninth season of the TV show Big Brother in Germany

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