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April Flowers pornstar - Free April Flowers porn videos

April Flowers

April Summers

April Flowers
Anchorage,Alaska,United States 67
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Information about April Flowers

  • Birth: 28/3/1978, 46 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (174 cm)Weight:134 lbs (61 kg)Gender:Female
April Flowers, pornographic actress and model, born in Wasilla, Alaska (small community 45 minutes from the city and Anchorage port), the March 28, 1975. It is known in the world of pornography by his real name, but has used several pseudonyms, among which: April Summers, his alias more common in various internet sites dedicated to it, plus: April Rain, Vanessa Rae, Diana Espen and Diana Rea Epsen. When interviewed and asked to describe your personality in three words, it is defined as: stubborn, determined and independent