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Aria Giovanni pornstar - Free Aria Giovanni porn videos

Aria Giovanni

Aria Giovanni
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Information about Aria Giovanni

  • Birth: 3/11/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:123 lbs (56 kg)Gender:Female
His real name is Cindy Renee Volk. Born in Long Beach, California, USA He grew up in Los Angeles, California and attended a high school in Orange County. His father was Italian-Yugoslavian and his mother was a Franco-German-Irish-Indian. About her early life, Aria that was quite shy, with only one friend in high school, but she did very well in school. According to its website, it was so good he could graduate from high school at age 16 and entering college. This was partly because she had to be hospitalized at the age of 12 years in a rehabilitation center for alcohol problems and stayed there for 26 months. During its second year of rehabilitation could take high school classes and two years ahead. When he left the center and was able to attend a regular school and managed to get into college.
He began his college years in the career of Biology. In addition to his studies, received tutoring in mathematics and worked as a waitress to pay their expenses. It was during this time that he decided to enter the world of modeling. He began to answer newspaper ads in late 1998 and soon began appearing on various amateur porn sites such as Bubblegirls, Amateur Pink, Busty Amateurs and Seductive Amateurs.

Busty Amateurs was to achieve their first victories when important to be known as Kennedy among the famous models of the era such as Kellogg and Alissa Dazzie Perry.

In 2000, Giovanni Aimee Sweet Meet with photographer Suze Randall, who in May of that year took photos of Giovanni which appeared in Penthouse magazine, being in September of that year the "Penthouse Pet" of the month in the journal. At the same time, appeared on the web site Bomis, posing nude for a Ferrari competition.

During the same period of the photo shoots for Penthouse, was transferred to the University of California at San Diego, to obtain the degree in Biochemistry and a degree in English writing. However, he decided to leave school because they felt that the workload for these studies did not allow time for modeling, "I knew I could always go back to school, but probably could not go back to modeling."

An important event in his artistic life was when to pose for Penthouse magazine was contacted by the softcore film producer Andrew Blake, who starred Blondes and Brunettes initially in 1999, after his film "Aryan" in 2000 and "Justine "as co-star Aimee Stuart in 2001. It was in 2004 when he produced his first film, "Meridians of Passion", which was received with great enthusiasm by the community of fans of "The Goddess" rather than by the international market.

He has appeared in several movies softcore type, however his scenes are almost always lesbian type, where sexual contact was implicitly. However there is a recorded video of Bubble Girls in September 1998 in which she is seen experimenting with her body pleasures (masturbation with her hands, introduction of the whole hand and various objects into her vagina and a scene where he gives pleasure to her body as urine), to which in numerous interviews has stated frankly, "was a mistake, everyone makes mistakes and I think that video did not help get the current place I have my career, I have no regrets, because we must learn from our mistakes, but I think it was a mistake. " Despite having received countless offers to step hard, has just done some work soft, lesbian and single hand of Andrew Blake, with its negative causing the fans desire to grow further.

In 2001 he starred with Monica Snatch in the movie "Survivors Exposed", a parody of the television series "Survivor." She also appeared on the TV dating show "Shipmates" (episode of November 16, 2001).

Giovanni has appeared in bondage, fetish and artistic photography. Has gained particular respect for belonging to the few models, large breasts, working in the field without undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Currently divorced, having been married a few years with guitarist John Lowery rock, better known as John 5, former guitarist of Marilyn Manson and guitarist currently Rob Zombie