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Asa Akira pornstar - Free Asa Akira porn videos

Asa Akira

Tracy Han, Akira Lee

Asa Akira
New York,New York,United States 3728
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Information about Asa Akira

  • Birth: 2/1/1986, 39 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (157 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
Asa Akira born February 1 January 1986 in New York, United States. As a stage name Asa Akira chooses, in honor of their Japanese racies.

Between 6 and 13 years lived in Japan, where she attended American schools. His first scene with a guy fucking was with Travis Knight for Gina Lynn producing company, after having made several lesbian scenes, mainly with Lynn own. Akira received several nominations to some of his papers

Asa not know the hobbies in his spare time Akiara