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Ashton Moore pornstar - Free Ashton Moore porn videos

Ashton Moore

Ashton Moore
Long Beach,California,United States 4100
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Information about Ashton Moore

  • Birth: 31/3/1976, 48 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:112 lbs (51 kg)Gender:Female
Although born in California and raised in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he currently resides. Ashton After finishing high school he began working as a waitress in a strip club. Although initially only worked as a waitress and did not want to be a stripper, ended shortly after doing striptease. Shortly thereafter she met her current husband, Jay, with whom she married and had two children. One day Ashton and her husband were watching a bikini contest on TV and decided he wanted Ashton take one. He sent photos to the contest televised Hot Body International, was accepted and left as the winner. After his appearance in the competition a scout was interested in her and offered her a job as erotic model. She began posing for photographer Suze Randall and appeared in magazines such as Club, Cheri, High Society, and Penthouse, which led him to contact the porn industry. In 1998 also decided that he wanted to become a model and porn actress signed an exclusive contract with producer Adam Eve. Soon after he decided to retire as a porn actress and she did not feel very comfortable shooting scenes heterosexual. Sometime later decided to return to the porn industry, this time filming lesbian scenes only and signed an exclusive contract with Jill Kelly Productions producer, which led him to participate in a number of movies, lesbian scenes ever, except a scene with her husband, while her contract with the production company was in force. In late 2004 its exclusive contract with Jill Kelly Productions finalized and Ashton decided that although he wanted to continue working as a porn star, I did not renew it. She talked to her friend Jenna Jameson porn actress who at the time was looking for unique actresses to join his empire ClubJenna and Jenna offered an exclusive contract with his company, ClubJenna, which Ashton also accepted deciding he wanted to re-shoot scenes heterosexual. Ashton worked for more than two years for the producer, but in May 2007 its exclusive contract with ClubJenna ended and was not renewed