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Asia Carrera pornstar - Free Asia Carrera porn videos

Asia Carrera

Asia Carrera
New York,New York,United States 4073
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Information about Asia Carrera

  • Birth: 6/8/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (174 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Jessica Andrea Steinhauser (b. August 6, 1973) better known as Asia Carrera is one American pornographic actress and director.

Japanese father and German mother, Asia is extremely intelligent and bright, won many academic awards during his childhood and adolescence, also highlighting her musical talent, as evidenced by the fact that at age 13 and was able to play the piano to JSBach on a stage as important as the Carnegie Hall.

However, the pressure he was subjected by her parents did leave home at the age of 17. To pay for his university studies began in the business of striptease. In this situation the economic difficulties made the money became an obsession for her, so when he learned that some girls amounts earned in Los Angeles doing porn moved there.

He met the director Bud Lee, who fell in love and whom he married.

Throughout his career, Asia, who took his stage name inspired by his admired actress Tia Carrere and their origins on the continent, has made more than 250 films.

His physique has undergone several transformations. Recognized to have been a few times in the nose and as many of the breasts, and various liposuction.

Separated from Bud Lee married on December 19, 2003, with Don Lemmon sports nutritionist, at which time he retired from the adult film industry. This matimonio has two children, Catherine and Donald III. The second son, however, was born in the wrong time for the actress since the June 10, 2006, her husband died.

Asia Carrera is a member of MENSA, the association of people with high IQ

Being director of porn films