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Audrey Bitoni pornstar - Free Audrey Bitoni porn videos

Audrey Bitoni

Audri Bitoni, Audrey Butoni

Audrey Bitoni
Anaheim,California,United States 3906
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Information about Audrey Bitoni

  • Birth: 16/8/1986, 38 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
Born August 16, 1986 in Anaheim, California, Audrey grew up in Chicago, Illinois and ended up attending the University of Arizona to study journalism. Previously, in 2004 during his time in high school, Audrey was Playboy model in a special edition. Not only did appear in the magazine but also made the cover of it. Audrey loved the experience so they posed nude as prospect of near-term future. In 2006 she graduated from high school, went to work as a model and made the leap to stardom in porn debut that same year.

Its exoticism comes from its origin italoespañol, Audrey Bitoni was born in Anaheim, just a few miles from porn valley where she lives today in Los Angeles County. Bitoni has said she was born exhibitionist, very sexual being a very early age, experimenting with both boys and girls. She entered porn in 2006 at 20 years of age, beginning to participate in parties with the hottest girls working for larger companies in the business. She was nominated for Best Starlet in 2008.Segun it, the world of porn is hard yet rewarding.

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