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Aurora Jolie pornstar - Free Aurora Jolie porn videos

Aurora Jolie

Nikara, Nicara

Aurora Jolie
Naples,naples,Italy 3857
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Aurora Jolie porn videos

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Information about Aurora Jolie

  • Birth: 25/1/1988, 37 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:136 lbs (62 kg)Gender:Female
Born in Italy and raised in Virginia, USA. His parents are very religious and military members of the U.S. military. She entered pornography two months after graduating from high school John Burroughs High School in Burbank, California.

One day I was working in a shop and was very unhappy. I always wanted to be a model. He wanted to do things like that seen in Playboy magazine. Therefore, answered an advertisement in asking models to pose.

It is famous for has never had vaginal, anal only. Neither in his personal life or inthe praticado screen has sex through the vagina, one in the ass. She has described herself as bisexual.

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