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Ava Taylor pornstar - Free Ava Taylor porn videos

Ava Taylor

Ava Taylor
Chicago,Illinois,United States 3353
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Information about Ava Taylor

  • Birth: 14/6/1995, 29 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
This young lady with sunglasses is the kind of "hipster girl" we all dream about. A total slut who enjoys rough sex, skateboarding, hip-hop, and anything that has to do with rebellion. She has plenty of tattoos and a navel piercing, but what really makes her a well-known actress, are her characteristic horn-rimmed glasses. We will keep track of the career of this young pornstar called Ava Taylor.

Smoking, hip-hop, tattoos and selfies.