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Aylar Lie pornstar - Free Aylar Lie porn videos

Aylar Lie

Princess Diana, Persian Princess Diana, Aylar Diante Lie, Aylar Lye, Ailar Lye

Aylar Lie
Tehran,Tehran,Iran 3909
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Information about Aylar Lie

  • Birth: 12/2/1984, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:94 lbs (43 kg)Gender:Female
Aylar was born in Tehran, Iran in 1984 and came to Norway at the age of three years. Due to a turbulent family situation was far from his parents and grew in foster homes.
Left Iran at an early age, but always has always felt strong ties to her Persian roots and great love for her foster parents as well as to their biological parents.

Aylar since he was a child has always been interested in singing and dancing. As a teenager, he was part of several folk dance groups in Oslo, and did live performances.
At age 16 he was invited by his biological father to go on holiday in Iran, and the holiday became a nightmare, as his father took the opportunity to hold her against her will for almost two years.

After diplomatic efforts between governments, finally manages to leave Iran and return back to Norway, where he began to have problems.
She wants to trace their roots and reconnect with his biological mother in the U.S..
This decision makes Aylar change your life forever.
March to the U.S. for two months and Aylar was plunged into a world dominated by drugs, pornography and abuse.
After almost a drug overdose, finally understands that it is time to change your life if you want to stay alive and decides to return to Norway, seeking medical care and the sense of security provided by its adoptive parents.

After recovering, decided to run the Miss Norway (Norge Frøken) in the summer of 2004.
Trás investigate, the jury decided to disqualify her for being dedicated to porn. Aylar and her life story has a huge impact on the media.

His dream of becoming the leading model for surgery of the breasts and create, taking advantage gained fame after the scandal, a kind of modeling agency, which imposes its image and style. In model group called "Team Aylar"

In 2005 it was decided to remove breast implants, and in the summer of 2006 he participated in a music video clip that becomes the theme of the summer and is six times platinum.

Aylar today remains one of the most popular figures in the Norwegian media. Your online video have already seen more than 100 million people

I like singing and dancing