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Bobbi Starr pornstar - Free Bobbi Starr porn videos

Bobbi Starr

Bobbi Star, Bobby Starr

Bobbi Starr
Santa Clara,California,United States 3857
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Information about Bobbi Starr

  • Birth: 6/4/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:130 lbs (59 kg)Gender:Female
Bobbi Starr comes from a family that is half Italian and half Hungarian. He graduated from San Jose State University in music and plays the piano and oboe.

She began her career in pornography at the age of 23. Met someone who introduced her to the adult industry in San Francisco, California, but it took a year before she decided to enter the industry. His early work was about slavery, sadism and fetishism.

Starr considers herself a pro sex feminist. While acknowledging that most feminists view pornography as a profession degrading to women, Starr says not feel degraded because it is their decision to act or not to act. Do not believe that in a situation in which women are in control, you may feel humiliated or degraded.

Starr was a finalist for the reality show, Americas Next Hot Porn Star.

Since 2008, Starr studied with the aim of becoming a gynecologist. His intention is to work within the adult entertainment industry, as gynecologist

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