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Brea Bennett pornstar - Free Brea Bennett porn videos

Brea Bennett

Brea Bennet, Bree Bennet, Bree Bennett

Brea Bennett
Mesa,Arizona,United States 3887
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Information about Brea Bennett

  • Birth: 7/2/1987, 38 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:103 lbs (47 kg)Gender:Female
To be said about it being a dreamer. Since I was a child I wanted to be the biggest star in the world. Since childhood became palpable his talent for singing. At the age of three years and sang for customers of a grocery store of his family. So he worked hard with his voice in song and after college won an award for the best singer. He recorded a CD. People wonder why it has become a porn star when she could have been devoted to the musicAnd his answer is always the same, why not do both?

Some may think that is unrealistic, but she believes that her dreams have come true so far. She has chosen not limited to anything. Some accuse her of not so serious about the business. When you have a goal, it was decided to fully comply. It is tremendously grateful to Club Jenna, who trusted and supported her from an early age. Within the industry quickly became one of Jenna's favorite girls. Playboy TV was launched by Jenna

Sing. He even recorded his own album