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Breanne Benson pornstar - Free Breanne Benson porn videos

Breanne Benson

Breanne Grant, Breane Benson, Breane Grant, Breanne Gran, Breane Gran

Breanne Benson
Tirana,Tirana,Albania 3562
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Information about Breanne Benson

  • Birth: 22/4/1984, 40 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
Born in Albania and U.S. resident since he was seven years old after a short period in Italy, Breanne brought the best Eastern European commercial porn. His arrival in the industry was a classic accompanying her friend Tanya James to a shoot, a producer noticed her and offered to enter the guild. The thing was gradual: in 2003 started with erotic photography, began recording scenes and spent masturbation lesbian porn. In January 2011 her great body and its cache were rewarded when she was chosen girl of the month of Penthouse magazine.

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