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Briana Banks pornstar - Free Briana Banks porn videos

Briana Banks

Brianna Banks

Briana Banks
Munich,Bavaria,Germany 4099
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Information about Briana Banks

  • Birth: 21/3/1979, 46 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (175 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Briana Bany (b. May 21, 1979) better known as an actress Briana Banks Porn German naturalized American.

Briana was born in Munich, Germany, daughter of German parents. His mother worked as a maid in her father's house, where he lived, and eventually fell in love, married, and had to Briana. At age 7 he moved with his family to London, England and a few months moved back to Simi Valley, California, USA, where he remained until today. At 18 he decided naturalized as an American.

At 19 he was working at an insurance company, which provided him with very few economic benefits. Tired of their low income, Briana saw an ad in a newspaper of California to work as a model that promised large sums of money, so I decided to respond. Shortly thereafter Briana began posing for pornographic magazines. Tempted by the huge amounts of money being offered, chose the name Mirage to work as a porn actress and made her first film called University Coeds 18. At first Briana did not take her work as an actress and model X porn magazines very seriously, he did just to increase revenue and saw it as a temporary thing, but the porn film that was shot was released with a picture of him on the cover and all the people who knew learned that was devoted to porn. By knowing everyone you know, Briana decided that if everyone thought it was porn, not going to stay in mediocrity and decided he wanted to become a major porn star, dedicating to it professionally. Briana improved appearance and underwent two breast enlargement operations to achieve the huge front today, among other things, is famous. Also decided to change the name of its current Mirage pornstar name that is almost identical to his real name, Briana Banks, keeping his real name and his real name changing only 2 letters, and choosing the surname Banks by actress and model Tyra Banks.

In June 2001 she became the Penthouse Pet of the Month. Shortly afterwards, thanks to her appearance, beauty and his talent to shoot porn, Briana became a very famous and renowned actress in the porn industry. In 2002 he starred with his close friend the porn star Jenna Jameson Briana Loves Jenna movie was undoubtedly his biggest step to fame and total success, gaining even more recognition and becoming a great favorite of fans Porn. Briana signed an exclusive contract with Vivid production that continues to this day. He had a many years and became engaged to porn actor Bobby Vitale, but their relationship ended in 2004 and were never married. Today Briana Banks is one of the porn stars with more fans and is undoubtedly one of the biggest stars in the world porn industry