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Brigitta Bulgari pornstar - Free Brigitta Bulgari porn videos

Brigitta Bulgari

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Brigitta Bulgari
Sátoraljaújhely,Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén,Hungary 3896
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Information about Brigitta Bulgari

  • Birth: 29/9/1982, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (174 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Bulgari grew up doing a lot of sports, competing in triathlons between 15 and 19 years. Parade began modeling during her first year in college, where he studied law to become a lawyer. He left college in Budapest three years before graduation, and went to Milan to continue her modeling career. His first exposure to the world of porn in a casting was held in a gym, where he was offered a role in a movie for adults. That was his first film called Fashion (2003), which also includes their first intercourse with a woman.

In October 2005, Bulgari advertises a football game between Piacenza and Catanzaro, clad only in underpants and a man's tie. She was arrested, but ended up posing nude in a photo with a police officer.

Bulgari works in Milan and Rome, Italy, and lives in Budapest. The likes animals and has two cats and a dog. He speaks English, Italian and Hungarian, her native tongue.

She loves pets