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Brigitte Lahaie pornstar - Free Brigitte Lahaie porn videos

Brigitte Lahaie

Brigitte Lahaye, Brigitte Simonin, Brigitte Bordeaux, Brigette Lahaye, Brigitte Van Meerhaegue

Brigitte Lahaie
Tourcoing,Nord,France 3541
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Information about Brigitte Lahaie

  • Birth: 12/10/1955, 69 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
Brigitte Lahaie (born on October 12, 1955) is a radio presenter, actress and former French porn actress. He began his career with 15 years with a minor role in Africa Erotica (1970) and made pornographic films from 1976 to 1980.

Brigitte Lahaie was born in Tourcoing, Francia.Bajo name Brigitte Lahaie Brigitte Van Meerhaegue hides, a French daughter of a banker and a representative, who began nude modeling at age 18 and he debuted in the adult film with Les Plaisirs Fous after seeing an ad in the newspaper. After years dedicated to iconic titles like porn Perversion d une jeune mariée or Je suis à prendre, later moved into film conventional and participated in some films of Jean Rollin and Jess on titles like Uncle Fascination or predators of the night apart without much impact appear alongside Uma Thurman and Maria de Medeiros in Henry & June by Philip Kaufman, or more recently in Calvary Fabrice Du Welz. He currently works for the radio in a program about sex and has written a book on the same subject together a cure! (Which incidentally, is also involved in his radio show). This restless and beautiful actress, sexual freedom fighter and a lover of animals, even dared to music

In 1980, at the peak of its popularity, decided to leave the porn to appear in more traditional movies I as in Icarus (1980) in which he played a stripper, and Pour la peau d un flic (1981) (By skin of a "tree"), which played the role of a nurse nurse. However, it also made pornographic films "soft" and other issues during that time.
At the end of his acting career, became known to the general public after appearing on the radio show Les Grosses Têtes (Large head), broadcast on French channel RTL
He also recorded a single called Caresse tendresse (tenderly caress), in an attempt to start a solo career. He had critical acclaim or public.
Now is the host on Radio Monte Carlo, of Lahaie, l Amour et Vous (Lahaie, love you / you). The program is daily, from 14:00 to 16:00, and discusses various issues related to love and sex. He also hosts a talk show X style of a French cable TV.
Brigitte Lahaie is also a fan of riding in the wake of a teenager viewing of the movie White Mane.

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