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Brooke Haven pornstar - Free Brooke Haven porn videos

Brooke Haven

Serena Maffucci, Brooke Blaire, Mrs Haven, Vanessa Chablis, Brook Haven

Brooke Haven
Sonora,California,United States 3699
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Information about Brooke Haven

  • Birth: 25/11/1979, 45 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (157 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
Brooke Haven was born on November 25, 1979 and is an actress and American pornographic film director.

Brooke grew up in Sonora, California, a small town in Northern California where he lived all his life until his 19th birthday. At 19 he moved to San Francisco, California, where he began working as a stripper at a club called Deja Vu, which was dedicated to work for three years. After his stay in San Francisco Brooke moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where he continued working as a stripper. One day while working in Phoenix met Lexi Marie porn actress with whom became close friends. Both posed for Playtime magazine and received an offer to attend the porn convention Erotica LA in Los Angeles, which agreed, where he made numerous proposals Brooke to engage in porn. Brooke thought about it and ended up liking the idea, so I decided to spend a weekend Los Angeles with her friend Lexi Marie and get into the porn industry. She loved it, very soon after he moved there Brooke and October 12, 2004 began shooting pornographic films.

The race was very Brooke porn existosa and very quickly achieved great fame. He has shot over 150 films, has worked for the most prestigious studios and directors and signed a nonexclusive contract with the studio Vicious Media with which directs films and also allows you to work freely to other production and today's career and success Brooke still growing

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