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Capri Anderson pornstar - Free Capri Anderson porn videos

Capri Anderson

Alexis Capri, Stella Costanza, Capry Anderson, Christina Walsh

Capri Anderson
New York,New York,United States 3491
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Information about Capri Anderson

  • Birth: 30/3/1988, 36 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
The beautiful, tanned and slim Capri Anderson was born as Christina Walsh, on March 30, 1988 in New York City. This beauty with green eyes and long legs grew up between New York and Florida. She was an accomplished dancer as a child, and she also took horseback riding lessons. Anderson began working in the porn industry at age 18, after a video in which she appaeared having sex with her ​​boyfriend was launched and then sold to a XXX website. She began acting in hardcore porn movies in 2007.

This beauty made then ​​headlines when it was found that she was involved with Charlie Sheen, on October 26, 2010. The Plaza Hotel in New York was a victim and a witness, when Sheen caused damage in its facilities with an estimated value of $ 7,000. He destroyed the room where he was staying with Capri, who said in an exclusive interview with ABC News that Sheen was drunk and threatened to kill her, having to lock herself in the bathroom to avoid being hurt by Charlie. Sheen in turn accused her of blackmail, saying that Anderson had requested $ 1 million in exchange for not telling what happened to the press.

In March 2011 Capri signed an exclusive contract with the film producer Vivid Entertainment. She has been nominated for several awards, including AVN Best Performance Award in 2011 and both the Best Actress and Crossover Star of the Year in 2012.

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