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Carmella Bing pornstar - Free Carmella Bing porn videos

Carmella Bing

Carmella Richards

Carmella Bing
Salem,Oregon,United States 298
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Information about Carmella Bing

  • Birth: 21/10/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 8 in (178 cm)Weight:134 lbs (61 kg)Gender:Female
Carmella Bing was born in Salem, Oregon, on October 21, 1981. Is Italian-Hawaiian ancestry. Her mother took her just 15 and his father, 24-year-old, who quickly disowned and disappeared from Carmella's life.

In adolescence Carmella soon captured the attention of men, losing their virginity at an early age. She describes herself as a girl who grew up a bit out in the body of a nymph.

Carmella In 2002 he moved to Las Vegas and began his career posing in adult magazines. In 2004, Carmella increased to 88.5 kg weight on his 178 cm tall. It took a few months to get recover their normal weight, and had surgery as their bust size also decreased with weight loss.

In November 2005 Carmella felt that I was ready to start making porn movies and appear on websites with adult content. Davia Ardell's contacted an agent of the porn industry, and she quickly began his new career. Carmella remains close friends with Davia Ardell, with sometimes performs scenes together.

Carmella hoped to become a movie star X to raise its cache as a call girl. Passionate, loves having sex on camera and has decided to leave the industry.

Despite not bring in industry or two years, as of 2007 and has made fifty films to which must be added many scenes for sites like: BangBros, Brazzers, Naughty America Bustyz and