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Carmen Hayes pornstar - Free Carmen Hayes porn videos

Carmen Hayes

Carmen Jones, Carmen Haze, Carmen Hays

Carmen Hayes
Simi Valley,California,United States 3521
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Information about Carmen Hayes

  • Birth: 3/8/1980, 44 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:130 lbs (59 kg)Gender:Female
In 2002, half Irish half Creole Carmen Hayes, first showed us her pink pussy. But he did anyway, but showed his ability and elasticity while, raising the legs to the feet go behind your neck so tight between her thighs showing his gigantic black tits. Before doing striptease was engaged to pay her career in nursing school. By 2004, she was ready to become a porn star of the most important. Some called it "the black Jenna Jameson".

He made more than 40 films between 2002 and 2005, and graduated from the university in 2005, becoming a full-time nurse. Nevertheless occasionally on her personal website appears a new photo.

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