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Information about Catalina Cruz
13/9/1979, 45 Age.
Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/virtuales/ : eval()'d code on line 432
0 lbs ( kg)Gender:Female
Based in his native Cleveland, had several jobs conventional, his last job was as a secretary for a Japanese international trade.
One day he decided to publish some nude photos with dildos shares within a modeling website and started getting many e-mails from fans and offers to work at an amateur level or amateur. He was surprised to see the great response obtained for a few photos, then decided to send some photos to a modeling agency in her native Cleveland, and began his career as a conventional model and make your portfolio of work. After that was requested by physical culture magazines such as Ironman or fitness, Musclemag, and American Curves.
He began his career in November 2000 under the pseudonym JennaZ. When she posted pictures of her naked for the first time their breast size was C (32C-22-33). The current size of your breasts is DD. She later changed her name to Catalina Cruz. In his films and photo shoots can be the Scenes lesbian, heterosexual and single.
She introduces herself as a fitness model turned crazy about sex. Nymphets trends (as she herself says: "The feeling of an orgasm is amazing and I want others to feel as much as possible and have fun getting it!"), Made it into the world of pornography where he has an extensive career in no time.
In interviews has stated that loves sex so much that has no specific favorite position but all and any of them.
After a long time in Cleveland, now moved to Arizona to California to be closer to where it needs to be for her career as an actress and model porn career she continually said worship. Maintains its own website produces site, in which she teaches other porn actresses to give oral sex to men, and works extensively with freeones.