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Information about Cecilia Vega
10/2/1977, 47 Age.
Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:108 lbs (49 kg)Gender:Female
This pretty French babe born in Clermont- Ferrand called Cecilia Vega, will drive you crazy with her beautiful green eyes. She has also worked in the French comedy tv series "Du ou du cochon hard". She has won many international awards in the adult film industry.
2009 Hot d'Or winner - Best French Female Performer
2009 AVN Award nomination – Best Sex Scene In A Foreign Shot Production - Ass Traffic 5
2009 AVN Award nomination – Female Foreign Performer Of The Year
2010 AVN Award nomination - Female Foreign Performer of the Year
2010 AVN Award nomination - Best Group Sex Scene - The Brother Load
2010 AVN Award nomination - Best Double Penetration Sex Scene - Slutty & Sluttier 9