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Charlie Laine pornstar - Free Charlie Laine porn videos

Charlie Laine

Charlie Lane, Brandy Sapphire, Tiffani Rocks, Raina Lee, Adel Miller

Charlie Laine
Marion,Wisconsin,United States 3703
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Information about Charlie Laine

  • Birth: 31/1/1984, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Charlie Wisconsin left at age 16 to live in Florida and work as a model for companies swimsuits and sunglasses. Your material until 2007 was mostly solo or lesbian content, but in its early hardcore scenes filmed under the name Brandy Saphire.
In late 2005 he participated in Playboy TV contest, presented by the porn actress Jenna Jameson Jennas American Sex Star.

He has been on the cover of Penthouse magazine in February 2006, the month in which was Penthouse Pet. So has Hustler and Barely Legal.

On May 26, 2006, made an appearance on the Howard Stern Show (The Howard Stern Show).

In February 2007 was the month DanniGirl.

He wears a tattoo on the back of the neck with the logo of the magazine Penthouse. In early 2008 he covered the words Forever and Family, each on one wrist.

Her favorite shows are SpongeBob, Fraggle Rock, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Chuck. His favorite bands or singers are Tom Petty, ACDC, Guns and Roses and Bon Jovi.

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