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Charmane Star pornstar - Free Charmane Star porn videos

Charmane Star

Charmane Star
,,Philippines 3977
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Information about Charmane Star

  • Birth: 5/5/1979, 45 Age.
  • Height:5 ft (153 cm)Weight:94 lbs (43 kg)Gender:Female
Charmane was born in the Philippines but immigrated with his family to California when he was two years. He grew up in San Francisco, San Diego and Sacramento with seven brothers and one sister. He became a nude model soon after turning 19 and made her debut in porn in 1998, but left two years later to operate a nightclub in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with her former boyfriend. Charmane states that deal with the club was 20 times harder to be porn star. When not working at the club piecework made individual photo shoots.

Charmane returned to the porn industry in 2003 and launched its website. Mainly performed scenes boy / girl or just with girls, but rarely has boy / girl / boy, because as she is too. It has become one of Hollywood's leading Asian porn. Like other porn actresses often does shows in strip clubs, performing the first in December 2004 at Club Paradise in Honolulu, Hawaii, by the porn actress Teanna Kai.

One of his hobbies is collecting sculptures and paintings and wants to have his own art gallery someday. Was made in 2005, along with porn actress, DJ. Her contacts with professional DJs and her experience as the owner of a nightclub made him interested for it.

Charmane is also famous for being model fetish photography, specializing in fetishes for fishnet stockings, high heels and smoking patterns. He recently worked as a model in several car shows