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Cheynne Silver pornstar - Free Cheynne Silver porn videos

Cheynne Silver

Cheynne Silver
San Clemente,California,United States 4039
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Information about Cheynne Silver

  • Birth: 17/7/1978, 46 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:136 lbs (62 kg)Gender:Female
Cara Fawn nacioo in the warm California on July 18, 1978. It comes from the Native Americans

She has appeared in over 70 movies and adult content was Miss Penthouse in December 2001

The December 12, 2005 was involved in a serious car accident that resulted in severe skull fractures (below the brain and behind the eyes) had to have surgery to relieve pressure on his brain. His big blue eyes were affected to break his right eye.

Currently it is seldom make pornographic films and has worked to make normal movies and music video clips


Is a dancer and she loves dancing