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Clara Morgane pornstar - Free Clara Morgane porn videos

Clara Morgane

Clara Morgane
Marseille,Bouches du Rhône,France 4031
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Information about Clara Morgane

  • Birth: 25/1/1981, 44 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (166 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
Emmanuelle Aurélie Munos (b. January 25, 1981) better known as Clara Morgane is a French porn actress and model. It began as a Top model in 1993 (only 12 years) and in 2000 (at age 19), after viewing a live erotic act for a festival, decided to start his film career.

Awarded L Hot d'Or in 2001 as "Best French Starlet". Since September 2001, the program leads Canal Plus Journal du hard, in May 2002 was the Penthouse Pet and in 2003 published his autobiography under the title Sex Star As an actress has not participated in many films. It is considered bisexual.

In 2005 she was awarded the year by the French magazine FHM France.

It has also created its own line of women's lingerie: Clara M. and has taken his first steps as a singer with his album "Sexy girl"