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Connie Carter pornstar - Free Connie Carter porn videos

Connie Carter

Mary Grey, Conny Lior, Roselyne A, Connie Denson, Josephine

Connie Carter
Prague,Prague,Czech Republic 3341
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Information about Connie Carter

  • Birth: 24/11/1988, 36 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
Carter, Czech porn actress, born on November 24, 1988 in Prague. Carter is also known as Connie Lior, Mary Grey, Anna, Conie, Connie, Josephine, Muriel, Roselyne A, and Roxanne. She began working in the adult entertainment industry in 2008, at age 18. Carter is known for her hourglass figure, her long dark hair, and her sexy brown eyes. Carter is a rising star in the porn industry, and she currently lives in Moscow, Russia. Her solo performances include masturbation with fingers or dildos, and when she's accompanied by someone, either boy or girl, she dares to give blowjobs, and she also performs vaginal and anal sex.

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