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Courtney Cummz pornstar - Free Courtney Cummz porn videos

Courtney Cummz

Courtney Cummz
Virginia Beach,Virginia,United States 3975
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Information about Courtney Cummz

  • Birth: 4/12/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:123 lbs (56 kg)Gender:Female
Courtney Cummz born in Shepherdstown, West Virginia

His first job was serving in a franchise called Applebee in his hometown, then entered the University of Florida do design and marketing. He made a living in a topless club

Its name comes from the nickname his friends "Courtney". And the name comes from "cum" in reference to his frequent masturbation, which became "Cummz"

In October 2005 he signed with the production company Zero Tolerance and started pulling multidud of DVDs. Most with anal fucking, which is one of its little flaws