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Daisy Dukes pornstar - Free Daisy Dukes porn videos

Daisy Dukes

Daisy Marie

Daisy Dukes
Los Angeles,California,United States 3908
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Information about Daisy Dukes

  • Birth: 6/2/1984, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Commonly known as Daisy, is an American actress in pornographic films of Latino descent, famous for her petite figure and appearance "exotic"

Daisy is one of the currently most popular pornstars. He grew up in Salem, Oregon, but spent time with his family in Zacatecas, Mexico. Always says he has a quarter Filipino. He has participated in over 90 pornographic films since 2002, has even appeared on a couple of occasions in the Howard Stern Show (July 2003 and November 2004), and has posed for various adult magazines. Also co-directs a radio program on the Internet called "Asian Sex", in Los Angeles.

Daisy was one of the finalists of the second season of Playboy TV, called Jenna's American Sex Star

Has 6 tattoos scattered around the body, including the name of her boyfriend, on the outside of his left ankle the word "Linda", and the largest, one of a cherub that occupies the entire back