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Dani Daniels pornstar - Free Dani Daniels porn videos

Dani Daniels

Danni Daniels, Dani Daniel, Dani Danniels

Dani Daniels
Orange,California,United States 3423
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Information about Dani Daniels

  • Birth: 23/9/1989, 35 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Dani Daniels was born on September 23, 1989 in California, and now combines being a XXX film director and a porn actress.

Dani Daniels worked as a stripper before beginning her career in porn to pay her art school tuition. She began working in the porn industry in January 2011. Initially she was a lesbian-only actress, but later on she started performing with men too. She has also directed several videos for Penthouse and Filly Films.

She has been named Twistys Treat of the Month for July 2011, Penthouse Pet of the Month for January 2012, and Elegant Angel's Girl of the Month for March 2014, among many other prizes that she's won during her career in the porn world.

Her delicious and mischievous smile is perhaps her most characteristic feature.

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