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Dolly Buster pornstar - Free Dolly Buster porn videos

Dolly Buster

Mandy Rice, Mandy Dvorjack, Katja-Nora Baumberger

Dolly Buster
Prague,Prague,Czech Republic 3550
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Information about Dolly Buster

  • Birth: 23/10/1969, 55 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (175 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Kate?ina Nora "Katja-Nora" Baumberger (b. October 23, 1969 in Prague, Czechoslovakia), better known as Dolly Buster, is a film producer and director, actress, author and former pornographic actress.

Buster starred in hundreds of European porn movies, earning a name as the best in the industry. He is also the author of a successful series of detective novels pornstars crimes.

In 2004 he tried to get a place in the European Parliament as a candidate of the Czech Republic. His party won only 0.71% of the vote s.
He appeared on the German version of I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here.
Currently lives in Wesel, Germany.

She was voted "the porn star that is more good" from Germany at age 39.

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