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Dora Venter pornstar - Free Dora Venter porn videos

Dora Venter

Dora Venter
Budapest,Budapest,Hungary 3907
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Information about Dora Venter

  • Birth: 1/10/1976, 48 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:127 lbs (58 kg)Gender:Female
Birth of a 1 October 1976 in northern Hungary, in a small village surrounded by mountains and forests, with his family. He has a sister and a brother. When he finishes elementary school to study more moves to a small town north of 60 Kmts his hometown. They rented their first apartment where he learns Kung Fu, makes new friends and explore with them the secrets of your body step by step. Obiamente at this time of his life out was lousy. Later you will get your diploma CCRN (Critical Care Registered Nurse) after much effort in Budapest. At 20 he lost his virginity. In April 1999 the world gets into porn through a casting organized by an agent named Ricardo Soli, owner of the agency X-CLUSIVE (modeling agency). From there his fame in the world of porn is growing, winning several awards in this genre worldwide and becoming a big porn star.

Kung Fu Make, make friends and explore the secrets of your body step by step