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Draghixa Laurent pornstar - Free Draghixa Laurent porn videos

Draghixa Laurent

Draghixa, Monika Dombroswki, Draghixa Javanovic, Drajica Laurent

Draghixa Laurent
Split,Split-Dalmatia,Croatia 3965
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Information about Draghixa Laurent

  • Birth: 3/6/1973, 51 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:132 lbs (60 kg)Gender:Female
Draghixa Laurent, more known as a dry Draghixa is a French porn star of the nineties. He was born on June 3, 1973 in Split (Croatia). His real name is Monika Dombroswki

According to some is of Croatian origin and according to others is of Serbian origin, his parents are of yugoslabo. However, very young Draghixa came to France with his family, especially at the age of two years. He had studied for hairdresser but then known porn actor "Eric Weiss" and sentimentally after joining the X ventures into film in 1993, in 1994 moved to the United States.

His work was recognized with the award Hot d'Or in 1995 for his appearance in Mathilde's Perfume "Marc Dorcel". Today is no longer active.

1996 Today is dedicated to being a DJ (Disc-Jockey) by French and Belgian lands

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