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Esperanza Gomez pornstar - Free Esperanza Gomez porn videos

Esperanza Gomez

Esperanza Gomez Silva, Esperanza Gomes

Esperanza Gomez
Belalcázar,Caldas,Colombia 371
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Information about Esperanza Gomez

  • Birth: 14/5/1983, 41 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Esperanza Gomez (Belalcázar, Caldas, Colombia, 1980) is a Colombian model and pornographic actress. His public career began at the early age, pansando lingerie models and becoming known in urban fashion for fashion brands of Colombia. Since 2009 began her acting career with the movie porn Cruisig South Beach Three, directed by George Stone.

The actress said to be one of the first actresses who not afraid to say it, and therefore went to the media saying, with name, who wants to be a porn actress openly and without using a pseudonym and, especially without having a double life.

At age 21 he moved to live in Mexico City and knows who to date is the merchant partner Guillermo Gutierrez Muñoz, and with which to date still lives

In November 2009 appeared in the Colombian magazine for men Soho

At the moment we do not have data on the hobbies of Hope Gomez