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Eva Angelina pornstar - Free Eva Angelina porn videos

Eva Angelina

Eva Angelina
Anaheim,California,United States 4097
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Information about Eva Angelina

  • Birth: 14/3/1985, 40 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Eva was at Foothill College in Tustin, California, a city of Orange County, in the United States.

Eva entered the world of porn in the house and later to bonxo of the press, three months after he turned 18. He claims to have been so eager to do porn began to make their first home video at the age of 13.

There was a break between May and November 2004 to return to school and work at a restaurant called Macaroni Grill in Valencia, California, a community located in Los Angeles County northeast of Santa Clarita Valley.

Eva turned to porn after the suicide of her boyfriend on November 7, 2004